Iowa Online

About the Iowa Internet Links index...

Why might this index seem familiar?

This index owes most of its early heritage to the Iowa WWW Servers list which has been maintained by Steve Elbert at the Scalable Computing Laboratory (a joint effort of Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University).

What makes this index different?

Emphasizes Organizations Rather Than Servers

While Steve Elbert's efforts center around listing actual web servers, this list attempts to maintain an index of organizations. The individual home pages of organizations, public resources, corporations, companies, events, attractions, and special projects are all welcome here.

Easier to Use as a Printed Reference

This list includes a visible URL addresses for each web location, making it easier to refer to a printed copy when sharing interesting web resources with friends and colleagues.

Maintained by a Non-Profit Organization

Since this index is not under the control of a profit-oriented Internet Service Provider, everyone can particpate equally in the index without bias or exclusion. Our goal is to provide and maintain the most complete and up-to-date index of Iowa's organizations, attractions, events, companies, and resources.

How can I get my web address indexed here?

If your organization, company, or event would like to be included in this index, please use the online submission form or you can send an e-mail message listing your organization's name, address, phone number, e-mail address(es), the http address, and a description of your web site to Iowa Virtual Tourist map that references some of the information on the Iowa Internet Sites page is available. An out-of-date but pretty map is also available.

Also available:

Web development by Infoplex Communications
Copyright © 1995-1998 by Silicon Prairie Communications. All rights reserved.
Last updated: February 3, 1998
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